Jordan Morgan

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We Must Do Better For The Mamas

Becoming a mom is earth shattering. It doesn’t matter if it’s your first, third, or even sixth time bringing a new baby home, each time is scary, exciting, and tiring. Having had a baby before shouldn’t diminish the fact that each time you head home from the hospital it is a new experience. Every time is unique and different, just like our kids are. We talk SO much about new babies: what to expect, how big they are each week during pregnancy, baby showers galore, feeding tips, sleepy cues, daily then weekly then monthly visits to the pediatrician, new baby products out-the-wazoo — the list is never ending. Don’t get me wrong; all of these things (and more) regarding a brand new life are very important.

But, what about the brand new mom?

We must do better for the mamas. Oftentimes it is forgotten that when a baby is born, a mom is born too. It doesn’t matter if it isn’t her first baby; she becomes a new person each and every time. She has to in order to settle into the new normal of life. A mom needs support. It may not be the textbook support you imagine it to be and it may be a different kind of support with each baby, but support is crucial. It could be taking care of the older kids, doing laundry, bringing dinner, or it could just be giving her space and staying away for a few weeks. There is no normal; every baby and every mama have a vastly different experience and that should be respected.

It’s not about you; it’s about the new baby and mom.

That’s important. Even now that I’m a mom, I have to remind myself of this each time a friend has a baby. 

Finish reading this blog post over at Knoxville Moms.